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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024年03月26日 11:10     來(lái)源:中國(guó)新聞網(wǎng)


  巴西坎皮納斯州立大學(xué)孔子學(xué)院巴方院長(zhǎng)布魯諾·孔蒂(Bruno Martarello de Conti)表示,自2009年以來(lái),中國(guó)一直是巴西最重要的貿(mào)易伙伴,中國(guó)企業(yè)在巴西的投資也越來(lái)越多。

  在巴西人眼中,中國(guó)從一個(gè)神秘的東方大國(guó),變成了一個(gè)可親近的、可合作的大國(guó),巴西坎皮納斯州立大學(xué)孔子學(xué)院中方院長(zhǎng)高沁翔教授表示。他還稱,2024年春節(jié)期間,圣保羅市議會(huì)舉辦了升旗儀式,慶祝中國(guó)和巴西建交50周年。今年,巴西藝術(shù)和文化界,也將策劃多場(chǎng)慶祝活動(dòng)。(薛凌橋 拍攝:吳家駒 薛凌橋)

  2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between China and Brazil. It also marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Confucius Institute at the University of Campinas in Brazil. Recently, an education group led by Brazilian university leaders as well as representatives from other walks of life have been invited to visit Beijing. During their visit, Prof. Bruno Martarello de Conti and Professor Gao Qinxiang, the Brazilian and Chinese directors of Confucius Institute at the University of Campinas in Brazil shared their opinions on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between China and Brazil, as well as people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

  Conti said that China has become the most important trade partner of Brazil since 2009, and it'sincreasingly making investments in Brazil.

  In the eyes of Brazilians, China has become a cooperative major power that is amiable, said Gao, adding that on Chinese New Year's Eve in 2024, the city council of San Paulo held a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relationship between the two countries, and many Brazilian cultural and art groups are organizing celebrating activities for the celebration. (By Xue Lingqiao Photographers: Wu Jiaju and Xue Lingqiao)


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