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發(fā)布時間:2024年04月21日 11:18     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

  來自哥倫比亞的小伙安德(Jorge Andrés Contreras)在北京的一家出版社做外語編輯。2016年他第一次來到北京,之后便下定決心,要學(xué)好中文。安德精通西班牙語、法語和英語,對漢語也充滿學(xué)習(xí)熱情。因不熟悉中文語調(diào),他曾經(jīng)在餐廳將餐具“刀子”讀成“稻子”,和服務(wù)員解釋了半天。為提高漢語水平,安德經(jīng)??粗形碾娪?,甚至把餐廳菜單作為學(xué)習(xí)材料。在學(xué)習(xí)過程中,他發(fā)現(xiàn)中國漢字有一種獨特的美,比如“山”、“水”、“火”這些漢字都很有圖畫感。通過學(xué)習(xí)漢字,他也領(lǐng)會到了做人的道理。漢字方方正正,他告誡自己,做人要正直誠實,遵守規(guī)則。(莫紅娥) 

  Born in Columbia, Jorge Andrés Contreras works as an editor in a foreign language press in Beijing. He is proficient in Spanish, French, and English, and has been learning Chinese ardently since he arrived in Beijing for the first time in 2016.Since he first started learning Chinese, he has found the four tones of the spoken language a great challenge and the inaccurate pronunciation could even lead to misunderstandings.To improve his Chinese, Contreras would avidly consume Chinese movies and even use restaurant menus as learning materials. Later, he discovered the unique aesthetic appeal of Chinese characters, as the structure of some characters perfectly echo with their connotation. He also admires how Chinese characters embody moral virtues of honesty, integrity, and adherence to rules. 


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