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洋主播說節(jié)氣之大寒(Foreigner anchor encounters “solar terms”: Major Cold)

發(fā)布時間:2024年01月20日 17:50     來源:中國新聞網


  As the Major Cold arrives, the vibe of the Spring Festival is getting thicker.During the coldest period of the year, this 200-meter old street in Hangzhou is full of hustle and bustle.Today, the China News Service special foreign anchor is coming to the Dama Lane in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. In this street, Spring Festival specialties are abundant and dazzling, with the vibe of the New Year filling the air here. There are also rows of cured duck, cured meat, ham, and dried fish, all adding a sense of ritual to the Spring Festival.(王宇鵠)


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